Contact: materiauxpaysagers@mcharette.qc.ca 450-753-5600
- Boughs (diameter <7 cm) and fragmented leaves.
- 100% leafy (willow), non-resinous.
- C/N ratio estimated: 70-80
- pH between 6 and 7
- Ornamental mulch natural color (light brown) used in landscaping, flat beds and gardens.
- Soil amendment used in organic gardening of all kinds
- Control weeds without the acidifying effect on the soil
- Prevents frost and drought
- Protects the soil from water and wind erosion
- Improves the soil structure and porosity
- Prevents leaching of nutrients and facilitates their absorption by
plants. - Facilitates the fight against pests and diseases by maintaining the
biodiversity in the soil
- In form of mulch, spread on the soil over a layer of 5 to 8 cm.
Preliminary weeding is recommended.
- As an amendment, apply 1 to 2 cm thick. Then mix with the first 5 to 10 cm of the soil. An amendment of manure or compost is recommended.